Mother’s Day Spa Offer

Posted on May 02,2014 By Dr. Y Anthony Nakamura

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Plastic Surgery in Dallas Fort Worth, TXWant to treat Mom to something unforgettable this year? To make this Mother’s Day even more special, join us at Accent On You for one of the finest promotions we’ve ever offered our valued customers. Mom will remember your gift every time she looks in the mirror!

Our Mother’s Day Spa Offer will help your mother rejuvenate her face and skin with a radiant, youthful appearance while giving her the relaxation all mothers deserve on their special day.

Let’s take a look at some of what you’ll enjoy when you join us for our “Pouts and Palettes” event this May 7th, four days before Mother’s Day:

1) Injectable Demonstrations To Show What Our Dermal Fillers Can Do For You

With dermal fillers, you can restore the youthful look of your face fast! So fast, in fact, that we can demonstrate before your eyes between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. You’ll be amazed at the results — and when you like what you see, you can book treatments right away!

2) Painting And Wine In Collaboration With Aspirations Boutique

Aspirations is one of the hottest businesses in the Arlington area, and we’re proud to partner with them for a truly sophisticated and special event. Taste delicious wine and enjoy splendid art work in a relaxing and intimate setting. This part of the event lasts from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.

3) Preview All The Best New Treatments And Offers From Accent On You

When you choose to join us, you’ll have the chance to hear about some of our most outstanding new offers, discounts, and treatments. We look forward to sharing the inside scoop with you and Mom just in time for Mother’s Day!

At Accent On You, we know that a healthy and vibrant appearance can help you feel confident, vivacious, and ready to enjoy life. Our Mother’s Day spa offers will  introduce you to some of our most beloved spa treatments.

Availability for our Mother’s Day event is limited, so get in touch with us right now! Your $35 deposit secures your spot and goes toward any Mother’s Day purchase. RSVP by calling 817-417-7200 by May 2nd to be sure your space is secure.

Want to get started with your treatment right away? Use our website form to book an appointment or consultation. Need more information? Call or email us to speak to an expert. Join the satisfied clients at Accent On You and look your best!

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon at  |  + posts

Dr. Y. Anthony Nakamura is a recognized expert in plastic surgery and body contouring, providing excellent care while taking a personal approach with each and every patient.

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