If you’re unhappy with the overall appearance of your stomach, a tummy tuck can be a great way to rejuvenate your confidence. Many people have misconceptions about the tummy tuck, however – including what it can do and when it can help. If you’re considering a tummy tuck, your best first step is meeting with a board-certified plastic surgeon such as Dr. Anthony Nakamura, or his partner, plastic surgeon Dr. Sameer Halani. Here’s what to know about candidacy for a tummy tuck and whether it can help.
You Have Excess Skin
If you recently underwent pregnancy or lost a significant amount of weight, you might have some excess skin around your lower stomach. This happens because the skin rapidly stretches to accommodate weight gain or a pregnancy, but doesn’t successfully retract. A tummy tuck can get rid of this excess skin, tightening the leftover tissue to create a flatter, trimmer look. If you have significant excess skin, a tummy tuck may even help improve your clothing fit and reduce symptoms like chafing or difficulties with hygiene.
You Have Stubborn Fat
Abdominal fat can be one of the most difficult areas in which to lose fat. Stomach fat can be completely genetic, or it can be the result of pregnancy or weight fluctuations. In either case, a tummy tuck can surgically remove stubborn fat during the procedure. Many patients instead opt for liposuction to remove abdominal fat, and both Dr. Nakamura and Dr. Halani can help you select the right choice. Generally, you may benefit more from a tummy tuck if you also have excess skin. Liposuction may also be part of your tummy tuck procedure to help further contour the area.
You Have Muscle Separation
Another common occurrence during pregnancy and weight gain is muscle separation. The abdominal muscles can become stretched and separated, losing their ability to support the body. You might experience symptoms like lower back pain in this case. A tummy tuck can surgically restore and reinforce these muscles, leading to better function. You may not have any signs or symptoms of muscle separation – in other cases, you may be able to feel it. Dr. Nakamura and Dr. Halani can help you determine if you have muscle separation that can be corrected with a tummy tuck.
You Struggle With Incontinence
Incontinence is a common issue with postpartum women, one group that can benefit most from a tummy tuck. By reversing changes to the abdomen and musculature that occur during pregnancy, a tummy tuck can alleviate symptoms of incontinence. A tummy tuck will create better support for the lower abdominal muscles, which can, in turn, better support the bladder and pelvic floor muscles. If you’re struggling with incontinence, Dr. Nakamura and Dr. Halani can help you learn more about your options.
Tummy Tuck in Arlington, TX
To learn more about the tummy tuck and how it can benefit your health and confidence, contact our office today by calling or filling out our online form.