It’s That Time Of Year Again To Fight Dry Skin

Posted on Nov 04,2014 By Dr. Y Anthony Nakamura

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Plastic Surgery in Dallas Fort Worth, TXWhile the changing of the leaves may be a beautiful event that you can’t wait to witness, the new cool chill in the air can create havoc with your skin. Itchy and dry skin is not only unattractive, it’s also uncomfortable, and we at Accent on You want to help you to combat this dryness with our supply of physician approved skincare products. Combating dry skin is a very do-able achievement, and we want to prove this to all of our clients by offering some of the best dry skin treatments on the market today.

For many, the hands are the big problem area when it comes to treating dry skin, and this is frequently due to washing. With the fall and winter seasons also comes the annual flu seasons, and we, along with many physicians, recommend frequent hand washings in an effort to save yourself from coming down with a nasty seasonal bug. With hand washing, however, comes overly dry skin, and this can lead to discomfort, cracking, and bleeding. While these problems are an annoyance, they don’t have to be the new normal for the entire duration of the season, and our moisturizers and skincare products can help you to take control of your skin once again!

Seasonal dryness isn’t only limited to the hands, and your body can really feel it as well. During the cool months, while you’re taking hot showers and stepping into cold air, the skin all over your body will take a great deal of abuse. We at Accent on You want to help you to put a stop to this itchiness and discomfort, which is a surprisingly easy task as you take control of your skin’s moisture.

Also, and this is probably the most damaging side effect of dry-skin weather, the skin on your face will experience the same dryness as that on your hands or on the rest of your body. When the face gets too dry, you put yourself at risk for early aging and skin damage, something that we at Accent on You want to help you to avoid. With our physician approved facial skincare products, you can give your face the moisture it needs no matter how brutal the weather may become, and save yourself from aging prematurely in the process!

If you experience fall or winter dry skin, it’s never too late to take control of your skin’s moisture levels as you tell dry skin it’s not welcome. At Accent on You, we carry a multitude of approved products to help you to help your skin, so stop by today to see what we may have in store!

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon at  |  + posts

Dr. Y. Anthony Nakamura is a recognized expert in plastic surgery and body contouring, providing excellent care while taking a personal approach with each and every patient.

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