What to Expect Before and After Breast Lift Surgery

Posted on Nov 30,2022 By Dr. Y Anthony Nakamura

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A breast lift can be a beneficial option for several reasons. It can correct sagging or uneven breasts, reshape breasts that have lost volume after pregnancy and breastfeeding, or correct the appearance of breasts following breast reduction surgery. Whatever your reasons for selecting breast lift surgery, it can be helpful to know what to expect. Here’s a quick guide to preparing your your procedure and recovery with the help of Dr. Nakamura.

Preparing for Breast Lift Surgery

You’ll be given detailed instructions by our team on arriving for your surgery. This includes instructions on wearing loose-fitting, easily removable clothing that opens in the front. Additionally, it’s extremely important to leave any and all jewelry or piercings at home. Once you arrive, you’ll meet with Dr. Nakamura and our team to discuss your procedure and sign consent forms You’ll also be given detailed aftercare instructions and information about follow-up appointments. Dr. Nakamura will draw marks on your surgical area and review them with you to ensure the surgical plan is the same as discussed. Finally, you’ll meet with your anesthesiologist and the rest of your surgical team before going into surgery.

After Breast Lift Surgery

After your breast lift surgery, you will wake up in your recovery room. You may feel very tired and groggy. Because of this, you’ll need a close friend, family member, or responsible adult to drive you home. After you go home for your recovery, you may feel some soreness and pain. Our team will prescribe medications to help manage discomfort and swelling so you can rest.

There are some common side effects of breast lift surgery which should be minor and fade within a few weeks. If you experience any severe symptoms, make sure to contact our team right away.


Swelling is normal after breast lift surgery, but it should dissipate within 2-3 weeks. To reduce swelling, avoid lying down and keep yourself propped up on some pillows while sleeping. Also avoid elevating your heart rate (light walking around the house is encouraged to prevent blood clots, however). Ice packs can help reduce swelling by constricting blood vessels and bringing down inflammation. Apply an ice pack protected with a towel every two hours during the first day after surgery and then as needed thereafter until swelling goes down (usually 2-3 days). Only apply ice packs for 15 minutes at a time.


Bruising is common after a breast lift and may last up to a few weeks. Using ice packs can help reduce bruising as well as avoiding blood-thinning medications like ibuprofen or naproxen. Keep in mind that bruising is temporary and will subside and become less noticeable throughout your recovery.


Infections are rare but can happen. If you have a fever higher than 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38 Celsius) for more than 24 hours or drainage from the incision that doesn’t stop, call our team right away. Other signs of infection can include chills, weakness, a warm feel to the area, puffiness, pain, nausea, and changes in color. Our team will give you a detailed list of things to look out for and who to contact if you notice signs of infection.

Schedule a Consultation

The best way to ensure a good outcome is to choose a board certified plastic surgeon. To meet with our team, contact our Arlington, TX office by calling or filling out our online form.

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon at  |  + posts

Dr. Y. Anthony Nakamura is a recognized expert in plastic surgery and body contouring, providing excellent care while taking a personal approach with each and every patient.

Posted in Breast Lift